Urban real estate valuation

Buildings, residential homes, offices, condominiums, supermarkets, Large shacks and industries, service stations, among other real estate. Planimetric-surveys.Real Estate Business. Urban economics studies.

Valuation of property, heavy machinery and high technology

Mining machinery, industrial lathes, docks, boats, trains, rails, cars, agricultural machinery, woodworking machines, injection machines and industrial machines in general. Military equipment. Terrain exploration with drones.

Valuation agricultural and forest

Agro-industrial farms, packing of fruits and storage tanks and wine booths, soil classification as classical nomenclature, forests and other areas. Stock farms: livestock, animal flock, animal cattle. Planimetric-surveys.

Another type of expert report

Expropriations, Mining servitude Appraisals, water assessments, economic assessments, dry good assessments, other type of easements.Military equipment. Terrain exploration with drones.

Environmental impact assessments and Research

In addition he was selected as Biologist Expert (Official Journal of the Republic of Chile on 11 January 2008, page 17) in  ecological studies and environmental impact  ecological & environmental assessments. Registered in the national registry of the consultants of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, Chile in environmental and ecological studies, until de year 2021. It has a team of highly qualified professionals to carry out studies on threatened ecosystems and species, and environmental and ecological studies.Some important projects implemented:

- Research in ecological studies of the University of Chile and Fondecyt projects in Flora and Fauna in protected areas, in particular in the Chiloé National Park (1987-1990).

- Ecological research at the University of Chile, which consisted: studies on nesting of rhinocryptids and effects of forest fragmentation on the fauna of Chiloé Insular (1985-1994).
-Eurochile ecotourism project subsidized by the FDI Innovation Development Fund of CORFO entitled: Ecotourism in the Chilean Antarctic Province: an opportunity for the sustainable development of Cape Horn (2004).

-Studies of Ecology and environment in research projects Center of Architectural, Urbanistic and Landscape Studies (CEAUP) Central University of Chile:

1) Characterization of diversity, abundance and distribution of urban flora in Santiago. Chile (2013-2014).

2) Gradient center-periphery for the urban flora of Santiago (2013-2014).